Adalah merupakan kata yang terucap jika seseorang menerima bantuan dari orang lain.Bagi orang yang memberi bantuan kata “terimakasih” merupakan salah satu bentuk dihargainya seseorang dan pastinya orang yang memberi bantuan akan senang hatinya jika yang dibantu mengucapkan kata “terimakasih”.Tapi bagi sebagian orang mengucapkan kata “terimakasih” begitu berat diucapkan.Semoga kita bukan bagian dari sebagian orang tersebut.
Adalah kata yang terucap jika seseorang telah melakukan kesalahan.Bagi sebagian orang kata “maaf” ini juga sulit untuk diucapkan karena tertutup oleh rasa gengsi yang begitu besar pada diri seseorang.Tapi sangat beruntung bagi orang-orang yang mau meminta maaf sekaligus mengakui kesalahannya dan bagi yang memberi maaf tersebut.Tapi perlu diingat juga kita tidak boleh sering mengucapkan kata “maaf”karena jika kita sering mengucapkan kata maaf berarti kita selalu melakukan kesalahan dan pada akhirnya kita tidak pernah belajar dari kesalahan tersebut karena kita begitu gampang mengucap kata ”maaf”.
Adalah kata yang terucap jika seseorang mendapat suatu kenikmatan dari Tuhan.Dan sangat beruntung bagi seseorang jika pandai bersyukur dengan begitu Tuhan akan selalu menambah kenikmatan tersebut.Dan sangat merugi bagi orang yang tidak mau bersyukur.
Adalah merupakan suatu harapan.
Adalah merupakan suatu rasa keinginan seseorang.Dan ini juga merupakan dorongan atau penyemangat bagi seseorang untuk
bertindak agar bisa mendapatkan apa yang ditujunya/diinginkannya tersebut.
Adalah merupakan ucapan yang diinginkan seseorang,ditujukan kepada Tuhan.Agar yang diinginkan bisa tercapai,atau doa jg adalah cara seseorang untuk meminta yang diinginkan kepada Tuhan,karena kita sebagai umat yang beriman.
Adalah merupakan suatu bentuk sifat seseorang yang memberi tanpa mengharap balasan apapun atas pemberiannya tersebut.biasanya sifat ini terdapat pada orang yang bersikap baik.
Adalah merupakan suatu kata yang menyiratkan sebuah pengharapan,berandai-andai,atau pilihan.
Adalah merupakan suatu kata yang menyiratkan sebuah pengharapan yang seseorang harapkan.
Melihat kalimat tersebut pendapat saya terlalu banyak cinta tidak akan membunuh kita dan cinta disini pandangan saya adalah cinta yang kita miliki sendiri(rasa cinta yang besar yang ada pada diri seseorang untuk orang lain)itu tergantung bagaimana seseorang mengendalikan cinta tersebut atau cara pandang seseorang ini sendiri.
Jumat, 28 Mei 2010
[VERB] + s/es in third person
* You speak English.
* Do you speak English?
* You do not speak English.
Present Continuous
[am/is/are + present participle]
* You are watching TV.
* Are you watching TV?
* You are not watching TV.
Present Perfect
[has/have + past participle]
* You have seen that movie many times.
* Have you seen that movie many times?
* You have not seen that movie many times.
past tense
[VERB+ed] or irregular verbs
* You called Debbie.
* Did you call Debbie?
* You did not call Debbie.
Past Continuous tense
[was/were + present participle]
* You were studying when she called.
* Were you studying when she called?
* You were not studying when she called.
Past Perfect tense
[had + past participle]
* You had studied English before you moved to New York.
* Had you studied English before you moved to New York?
* You had not studied English before you moved to New York.
Past Perfect Continuous tense
[had been + present participle]
* You had been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
* Had you been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived?
* You had not been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
[VERB] + s/es in third person
* You speak English.
* Do you speak English?
* You do not speak English.
Present Continuous
[am/is/are + present participle]
* You are watching TV.
* Are you watching TV?
* You are not watching TV.
Present Perfect
[has/have + past participle]
* You have seen that movie many times.
* Have you seen that movie many times?
* You have not seen that movie many times.
past tense
[VERB+ed] or irregular verbs
* You called Debbie.
* Did you call Debbie?
* You did not call Debbie.
Past Continuous tense
[was/were + present participle]
* You were studying when she called.
* Were you studying when she called?
* You were not studying when she called.
Past Perfect tense
[had + past participle]
* You had studied English before you moved to New York.
* Had you studied English before you moved to New York?
* You had not studied English before you moved to New York.
Past Perfect Continuous tense
[had been + present participle]
* You had been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
* Had you been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived?
* You had not been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
Clean Registry to Repair Your Computer’s Errors
The errors that you are having on your computer might be caused by its registry. If you used to repair these errors by reinstalling your Windows system, you had better to check on the registry. You do not need to spend hundreds of dollar to fix small error on your computer’s registry. It only takes a few minute for you to repair it and your computer will get back to normal.
Regwork.com helps you to fix these errors in the easiest way. You do not need to bring your computer to the service center. You only need to download Regwork and let this program scan your computer to locate the errors. This program works as your registry cleaner and fix the entire problem on your computer’s registry. You can repair your registry manually, but it will take hours. This registry editor will only take a few minute to bring your computer on its finest condition.
This program will go into your computer registry and clean registry. It solves computer problems, such as errors, system freeze, blue screen, and empty registry. You can start downloading Regwork and enjoy its perfect solution on your computer. It cost you much cheaper than reinstalling your Windows system and it is much faster too.
The errors that you are having on your computer might be caused by its registry. If you used to repair these errors by reinstalling your Windows system, you had better to check on the registry. You do not need to spend hundreds of dollar to fix small error on your computer’s registry. It only takes a few minute for you to repair it and your computer will get back to normal.
Regwork.com helps you to fix these errors in the easiest way. You do not need to bring your computer to the service center. You only need to download Regwork and let this program scan your computer to locate the errors. This program works as your registry cleaner and fix the entire problem on your computer’s registry. You can repair your registry manually, but it will take hours. This registry editor will only take a few minute to bring your computer on its finest condition.
This program will go into your computer registry and clean registry. It solves computer problems, such as errors, system freeze, blue screen, and empty registry. You can start downloading Regwork and enjoy its perfect solution on your computer. It cost you much cheaper than reinstalling your Windows system and it is much faster too.
Costly inducements
Pocket money given to intending migrant domestic workers comes at a price
Wayne Palmer
Agents advertise their services
Wayne Palmer
Gathered in the front room of a well-known Hong Kong shelter for Indonesian migrant workers, 30 residents swapped stories about how they found out about working overseas. While their experiences in Hong Kong varied greatly, their accounts of how they began the migration process were very similar. Almost all had stories to tell about the intermediaries who had helped them on their way. It is illegal for these intermediaries - known as calo - to recruit migrant workers. But in practice they are an integral part of Indonesia's labour export program in which they play a vital role in sourcing enough recruits to meet overseas demand.
State policy makes it difficult for agents to recruit enough women without the help of calo. This is because the Ministry of Manpower discourages them from migrating for domestic work - a policy introduced in response to diplomatic rifts in Indonesia's bilateral relationships with host countries like Malaysia and Saudi Arabia as a result of the high rates of suicide, rape and severe physical abuse. As part of this campaign, Jakarta pushes local Manpower Offices to exclude potential domestic workers from their outreach activities to recruit migrant labour in areas with high unemployment. Although most continue to process domestic workers' documents, in some districts there are total bans on recruitment for domestic work.
The challenge for registered agents everywhere is the fact that it is illegal for them to use a 'direct approach' when recruiting. Agents can advertise in newspapers and hold job fairs, but they must wait to be approached by intending migrant workers. This restriction is one of the reasons that calo play such a significant role in the industry. Calo spread the news of overseas work to villages and bring recruits to agencies. And because there is more work than people willing to take it up, they sometimes offer cash incentives to help potential recruits change their minds.
The hidden price of help
Recruitment agents are permitted to assign staff to village areas in order to recruit people for work overseas. Known as fieldworkers (petugas lapangan), these intermediaries are fully licensed by the government. But illegal calo - many of them sub-contractors for licensed fieldworkers - operate in precisely the same way. And as potential migrant workers are generally suspicious of outsiders who offer highly paid work overseas, more often than not, calo tend to be people who already have their trust, such as a neighbour or even family.
Migrant workers almost always prefer to use a calo to going directly to a recruitment agent. By going through a calo, potential migrants feel more confident that they will be able to obtain all the documents they need - and without having to pay a cent. To participate in Indonesia's labour migration program, women must get signed permission from their husband or parents as well as from the head of their village, which isn't always easy. Women I spoke to talked about how village heads refused to provide signatures in the lead-up to elections and during the holy fasting month. They were also often asked to pay illegal fees when organising these and other necessary documents such as copies of their school certificates. What's more, though, it's not unusual for calo to pay migrant worker recruits up to Rp 2.5 million (A$320) in 'pocket money' for starting the migration process.
The practice of paying pocket money started a couple of years ago, when the Indonesian government began to crack down on agents that changed migrants' dates of birth and other personal data. So agents began paying calo a premium to make sure recruits met Indonesia's requirements for migrant domestic workers, such as proof of being at least 21 years old. As a result, most of the falsification of migrants' documents now happens before they get to the agents.
What started as a modest fee of a couple of hundred thousand rupiah has turned into millions of rupiah, as Hong Kong agents put pressure on their Indonesian partners to find more domestic workers. For each recruit, agents give fieldworkers Rp. 5 million who then give calo a cut for bringing recruits in, while up to half goes to the recruit herself. As the women in the Hong Kong shelter explained, this pocket money is there for the taking - and the amount you receive depends on how clever you are at negotiating. As a result, not everyone strikes it rich. Having contacted a calo directly after seeing an advertisement in the local newspaper about jobs in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan, Sring received no pocket money at all. In hindsight, she believes that her calo did not feel the need to offer her an incentive because she was too honest about how much she wanted to work overseas.
But many succeed. Susi knew exactly what she was doing. She had heard about pocket money before she was approached by a calo in her village, who also happened to be her uncle. Susi had only returned two weeks before from working in Saudi Arabia when her uncle dropped in to offer her a job in Hong Kong. She was immediately interested because Hong Kong is well-known among migrant workers as having the best working conditions and some of the highest wages on offer but she pretended that she was not interested, knowing that she needed to play hard to get. Eventually, her uncle offered her a sum of money to start the migration process. After some bargaining, Susi agreed to sign up for Rp 2.5 million.
Dewi also did well - but by cutting out fieldworkers and calo altogether. Having heard that recruitment agents paid migration calo Rp 5 million for each recruit they bring in, she approached an agent in Jakarta with her cousin, who pretended to be a calo. The agent then paid Dewi's cousin Rp 5 million which they then split, Dewi pocketing Rp 3.5 million and her cousin, the rest. However agencies only pay money to recruits who come with a full set of documents. It saves them the costs associated with using the services of a fieldworkers and calo. They claim to offer up to Rp5 million, although migrant workers say that 'money for coming yourself' is rarely more than Rp3.5 million.
In addition to giving potential migrant workers pocket money and other incentives, agents offer recruits the choice to pay for the cost of recruitment up front or on credit. No agents I spoke to could remember anyone who paid before she went. When I asked migrant workers why they chose credit, they explained that it was simply too risky to pay up front because there was no guarantee that they'd like their employer or that they'd even get to keep their job.
When this system works well, it suits everyone. Migrant workers obtain employment overseas without having to pay up-front fees and recruitment agencies can meet overseas demand for labour. But a lack of checks and balances means that things can easily go wrong. For example, agents are supposed to recruit migrant workers only after receiving a job order from their overseas partners. However, uncertainty about when and how many job orders will come in means that they often recruit in anticipation of getting contracts. As a result, the time migrant workers spend in agency training facilities sometimes exceeds the three-month maximum allowed under Indonesian law.
Because agents make a risky and substantial investment in recruits' future employment prospects, they are reluctant to let recruits come and go
Migrant workers in the Hong Kong shelter had mostly spent six weeks in training centre - the precise amount of time it takes to organise a work visa. But in some cases, they had spent up to seven months. And because agents make a risky and substantial investment in recruits' future employment prospects, they are reluctant to let recruits come and go while waiting to be deployed. If intending migrants want to return home for a visit, they are required to leave a deposit with the agency as a guarantee that they will return. This practice is illegal and is a violation of recruits' human rights. But it is difficult to eradicate because of the financial risks that agents take.
Upon arrival in Hong Kong, migrant workers are saddled with a total debt of HK$21,000 (A$3500). They are required to make seven monthly instalments of HK$3000, (equivalent to 84 per cent of their wage) to Hong Kong creditors in order to pay it off. Of the debt, HK$3000 is interest owed to public finance companies that provide the loans. HK$7000 is paid to Hong Kong agents for organising things like work visas and a further HK$11,000 is earmarked for Indonesian agents to cover the cost of training and recruitment, which includes the expense of incentives such as pocket money. Agents go guarantor for these loans and are liable for the first three months of repayments. So if migrant workers stop making payments, agents often contact their families asking them to pay. If families refuse, agents are known to resort to bullying tactics like incessant telephone calls and sending thugs to force families to pay up.
A risky business
Financial incentives paid by calo have attracted attention from NGOs, who claim that agents are effectively bribing women to migrate. Government officials have also expressed concern about the practice, citing cases of migrant workers in Hong Kong and other destination countries such as Singapore who say they were persuaded to migrate against their will, usually by husbands or fathers who were keen to use the pocket money to pay off debts. In some of these cases, when women told agents they didn't want to go, their objections were ignored. It is these sorts of incidents that staff in Indonesian embassies say smack of trafficking. At the very least, the fact that the program allows recruiters to offer financial incentives to prospective migrants adds an extra level of complexity to the decision-making process, tempting people who may have preferred to make do at home with their friends and family.
It is important to remember that not all migrant workers are coerced into migration. Nor are they bribed to go. Women like those I spoke to in the Hong Kong shelter were well aware of the benefits and risks of migrating before they left Indonesia. These considerations underpinned their decision to take up offers of work abroad. They, like many migrants, appreciated the help of calo who guided them through the administrative demands of the state migration program, and saw their pocket money as a kind of bonus that could be used to settle debts before leaving the village and buy the things they needed during their stay in agents' training facilities.
It's impossible to tell if they would have had a better or worse experience if agents hadn't given them an incentive to go. But what's clear is that it does make migrating a riskier venture than it is already. Just to pay the incentives back means going an extra month without wages while losing one's job before the agent's guarantee is up could result in serious consequences for their families. The question is, then, is it a risk worth taking?
Sumber : http://www.insideindonesia.org/feature/costly-inducements
Pocket money given to intending migrant domestic workers comes at a price
Wayne Palmer
Agents advertise their services
Wayne Palmer
Gathered in the front room of a well-known Hong Kong shelter for Indonesian migrant workers, 30 residents swapped stories about how they found out about working overseas. While their experiences in Hong Kong varied greatly, their accounts of how they began the migration process were very similar. Almost all had stories to tell about the intermediaries who had helped them on their way. It is illegal for these intermediaries - known as calo - to recruit migrant workers. But in practice they are an integral part of Indonesia's labour export program in which they play a vital role in sourcing enough recruits to meet overseas demand.
State policy makes it difficult for agents to recruit enough women without the help of calo. This is because the Ministry of Manpower discourages them from migrating for domestic work - a policy introduced in response to diplomatic rifts in Indonesia's bilateral relationships with host countries like Malaysia and Saudi Arabia as a result of the high rates of suicide, rape and severe physical abuse. As part of this campaign, Jakarta pushes local Manpower Offices to exclude potential domestic workers from their outreach activities to recruit migrant labour in areas with high unemployment. Although most continue to process domestic workers' documents, in some districts there are total bans on recruitment for domestic work.
The challenge for registered agents everywhere is the fact that it is illegal for them to use a 'direct approach' when recruiting. Agents can advertise in newspapers and hold job fairs, but they must wait to be approached by intending migrant workers. This restriction is one of the reasons that calo play such a significant role in the industry. Calo spread the news of overseas work to villages and bring recruits to agencies. And because there is more work than people willing to take it up, they sometimes offer cash incentives to help potential recruits change their minds.
The hidden price of help
Recruitment agents are permitted to assign staff to village areas in order to recruit people for work overseas. Known as fieldworkers (petugas lapangan), these intermediaries are fully licensed by the government. But illegal calo - many of them sub-contractors for licensed fieldworkers - operate in precisely the same way. And as potential migrant workers are generally suspicious of outsiders who offer highly paid work overseas, more often than not, calo tend to be people who already have their trust, such as a neighbour or even family.
Migrant workers almost always prefer to use a calo to going directly to a recruitment agent. By going through a calo, potential migrants feel more confident that they will be able to obtain all the documents they need - and without having to pay a cent. To participate in Indonesia's labour migration program, women must get signed permission from their husband or parents as well as from the head of their village, which isn't always easy. Women I spoke to talked about how village heads refused to provide signatures in the lead-up to elections and during the holy fasting month. They were also often asked to pay illegal fees when organising these and other necessary documents such as copies of their school certificates. What's more, though, it's not unusual for calo to pay migrant worker recruits up to Rp 2.5 million (A$320) in 'pocket money' for starting the migration process.
The practice of paying pocket money started a couple of years ago, when the Indonesian government began to crack down on agents that changed migrants' dates of birth and other personal data. So agents began paying calo a premium to make sure recruits met Indonesia's requirements for migrant domestic workers, such as proof of being at least 21 years old. As a result, most of the falsification of migrants' documents now happens before they get to the agents.
What started as a modest fee of a couple of hundred thousand rupiah has turned into millions of rupiah, as Hong Kong agents put pressure on their Indonesian partners to find more domestic workers. For each recruit, agents give fieldworkers Rp. 5 million who then give calo a cut for bringing recruits in, while up to half goes to the recruit herself. As the women in the Hong Kong shelter explained, this pocket money is there for the taking - and the amount you receive depends on how clever you are at negotiating. As a result, not everyone strikes it rich. Having contacted a calo directly after seeing an advertisement in the local newspaper about jobs in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan, Sring received no pocket money at all. In hindsight, she believes that her calo did not feel the need to offer her an incentive because she was too honest about how much she wanted to work overseas.
But many succeed. Susi knew exactly what she was doing. She had heard about pocket money before she was approached by a calo in her village, who also happened to be her uncle. Susi had only returned two weeks before from working in Saudi Arabia when her uncle dropped in to offer her a job in Hong Kong. She was immediately interested because Hong Kong is well-known among migrant workers as having the best working conditions and some of the highest wages on offer but she pretended that she was not interested, knowing that she needed to play hard to get. Eventually, her uncle offered her a sum of money to start the migration process. After some bargaining, Susi agreed to sign up for Rp 2.5 million.
Dewi also did well - but by cutting out fieldworkers and calo altogether. Having heard that recruitment agents paid migration calo Rp 5 million for each recruit they bring in, she approached an agent in Jakarta with her cousin, who pretended to be a calo. The agent then paid Dewi's cousin Rp 5 million which they then split, Dewi pocketing Rp 3.5 million and her cousin, the rest. However agencies only pay money to recruits who come with a full set of documents. It saves them the costs associated with using the services of a fieldworkers and calo. They claim to offer up to Rp5 million, although migrant workers say that 'money for coming yourself' is rarely more than Rp3.5 million.
In addition to giving potential migrant workers pocket money and other incentives, agents offer recruits the choice to pay for the cost of recruitment up front or on credit. No agents I spoke to could remember anyone who paid before she went. When I asked migrant workers why they chose credit, they explained that it was simply too risky to pay up front because there was no guarantee that they'd like their employer or that they'd even get to keep their job.
When this system works well, it suits everyone. Migrant workers obtain employment overseas without having to pay up-front fees and recruitment agencies can meet overseas demand for labour. But a lack of checks and balances means that things can easily go wrong. For example, agents are supposed to recruit migrant workers only after receiving a job order from their overseas partners. However, uncertainty about when and how many job orders will come in means that they often recruit in anticipation of getting contracts. As a result, the time migrant workers spend in agency training facilities sometimes exceeds the three-month maximum allowed under Indonesian law.
Because agents make a risky and substantial investment in recruits' future employment prospects, they are reluctant to let recruits come and go
Migrant workers in the Hong Kong shelter had mostly spent six weeks in training centre - the precise amount of time it takes to organise a work visa. But in some cases, they had spent up to seven months. And because agents make a risky and substantial investment in recruits' future employment prospects, they are reluctant to let recruits come and go while waiting to be deployed. If intending migrants want to return home for a visit, they are required to leave a deposit with the agency as a guarantee that they will return. This practice is illegal and is a violation of recruits' human rights. But it is difficult to eradicate because of the financial risks that agents take.
Upon arrival in Hong Kong, migrant workers are saddled with a total debt of HK$21,000 (A$3500). They are required to make seven monthly instalments of HK$3000, (equivalent to 84 per cent of their wage) to Hong Kong creditors in order to pay it off. Of the debt, HK$3000 is interest owed to public finance companies that provide the loans. HK$7000 is paid to Hong Kong agents for organising things like work visas and a further HK$11,000 is earmarked for Indonesian agents to cover the cost of training and recruitment, which includes the expense of incentives such as pocket money. Agents go guarantor for these loans and are liable for the first three months of repayments. So if migrant workers stop making payments, agents often contact their families asking them to pay. If families refuse, agents are known to resort to bullying tactics like incessant telephone calls and sending thugs to force families to pay up.
A risky business
Financial incentives paid by calo have attracted attention from NGOs, who claim that agents are effectively bribing women to migrate. Government officials have also expressed concern about the practice, citing cases of migrant workers in Hong Kong and other destination countries such as Singapore who say they were persuaded to migrate against their will, usually by husbands or fathers who were keen to use the pocket money to pay off debts. In some of these cases, when women told agents they didn't want to go, their objections were ignored. It is these sorts of incidents that staff in Indonesian embassies say smack of trafficking. At the very least, the fact that the program allows recruiters to offer financial incentives to prospective migrants adds an extra level of complexity to the decision-making process, tempting people who may have preferred to make do at home with their friends and family.
It is important to remember that not all migrant workers are coerced into migration. Nor are they bribed to go. Women like those I spoke to in the Hong Kong shelter were well aware of the benefits and risks of migrating before they left Indonesia. These considerations underpinned their decision to take up offers of work abroad. They, like many migrants, appreciated the help of calo who guided them through the administrative demands of the state migration program, and saw their pocket money as a kind of bonus that could be used to settle debts before leaving the village and buy the things they needed during their stay in agents' training facilities.
It's impossible to tell if they would have had a better or worse experience if agents hadn't given them an incentive to go. But what's clear is that it does make migrating a riskier venture than it is already. Just to pay the incentives back means going an extra month without wages while losing one's job before the agent's guarantee is up could result in serious consequences for their families. The question is, then, is it a risk worth taking?
Sumber : http://www.insideindonesia.org/feature/costly-inducements
Senin, 24 Mei 2010
Kata Mutiara 6
Kata Mutiara 5
Kata Mutiara 4
Kata Mutiara 3
Kata Mutiara 2
Kata Mutiara 1
Puisi 3
Cinta bukan datang dari audisi
Tapi cinta datang dari hati.
Cinta datang bukan untuk diseleksi
Tapi cinta datang untuk dimiliki.
Dan jangan memiliki cinta karena gengsi
Milikilah cinta dari hati yang suci.
Cinta bukan datang dari audisi
Tapi cinta datang dari hati.
Cinta datang bukan untuk diseleksi
Tapi cinta datang untuk dimiliki.
Dan jangan memiliki cinta karena gengsi
Milikilah cinta dari hati yang suci.
Puisi 2
Biarkan saja luka mengaum
Rindu tertahan deru angin
Dunia berbeda antara kau dan aku
Janji,kata cinta
Lalu air mata
Biar terusik cerita dipagi hari
Ketika rindu kembali membayang diri
Suatu saat aku kan untukmu
Memberimu suatu pinta
Yang pernah kita ucap
Biarkan saja luka mengaum
Rindu tertahan deru angin
Dunia berbeda antara kau dan aku
Janji,kata cinta
Lalu air mata
Biar terusik cerita dipagi hari
Ketika rindu kembali membayang diri
Suatu saat aku kan untukmu
Memberimu suatu pinta
Yang pernah kita ucap
Puisi 1
Kucoba membingkai wajah
Pada salah satu jendela rumah hatiku
Wajah yang kan selalu ada dalam hati
Dengan sepasang mata
Yang selalu memberi ku kekuatan
Serta sebaris senyum
Yang tak pernah lelah meyakinkan aku
Akan sebuah harapan
Bagaimana harus ku balas
Tatap mata dan senyum itu
Postingan (Atom)